Section: Research Program

Mining complex patterns

Pattern mining, a subdomain of data mining, is an unsupervised learning method which aims at discovering interesting knowledge from data. Association rule extraction is one of the most popular approach and has received a lot of interest in the last 20 years. For instance, many enhancements have been proposed to the well-known Apriori algorithm [27] . It is based on a level-wise generation of candidate patterns and on efficient candidate pruning having a sufficient relevance, usually related to the frequency of the candidate pattern in the data-set (i.e., the support): the most frequent patterns should be the most interesting. Later, Agrawal and Srikant proposed a framework for "mining sequential patterns" [28] , which extends Apriori by coping with the order of elements in patterns. Such approach initiated research on temporal pattern mining, which is of particular interest for the DREAM team. The simplest temporal patterns are sequential patterns that constraints the order of the events in one of its occurrence. More advanced approaches also exploit quantitative information in order to provide significant patterns about both ordering and duration of events as well as inter-event delay. A challenge is that the classical anti-monotony property, used to prune the search space, is difficult to define in this case.

Many work in pattern mining have attempted to improve the runtime efficiency of algorithms, on the one hand, by proposing more efficient representation and execution schemes such as pattern-growth methods [48] , or, on the other hand, by focusing on condensed representations such as closed patterns [60] , [64] . Other research directions have been investigated to enhance the syntax of patterns e.g. temporal and periodic patterns, mutidimensional and hierarchical patterns, constrained patterns, contextual patterns, etc. Despite these improvements, the size of the results may still be too high. Thus, post-mining or visualization methods have been introduced to let the user focus on results that correspond to his own preferences.

Another challenge of pattern mining is that for each pattern mining task (such as mining itemsets, sequences or graphs) there are many specialized algorithms, each exploiting some ad-hoc optimizations. It is very hard for a practitioner to find an algorithm suited for his problem, and such an algorithm may not exist. There is a need to propose novel generic pattern mining algorithms, that exploit the main algorithmic advances proposed in the last 20 years, and that only require a description of their pattern mining problem from practioners. Recently, we have proposed ParaMiner [59] , a generic pattern mining algorithm using state of the art optimizations and exploiting the parallelism of multicore processors. The practitioner only has to enter a pattern interest criteria and check that it verifies a strong accessibility property coming from set theory. As of now, ParaMiner is the fastest generic pattern mining algorithm, being competitive with specialized algorithm on several pattern mining tasks.

Other approaches propose a completely declarative way to specify the pattern mining problem. In this case, the most used framework is Constraint Programming [44] . We are investigating another approach based on Answer Set Programming.